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Showing posts from October, 2009

Add Favicon icon to drupal site

Now, to add it to drupal with a theme using the phptemplate engine is easy. Just upload the favicon.ico file to the base directory of your theme. The same directory your style.css file is in. Drupal will automatically detect it and do the work to make it display on your site. If you are using something other than drupal than to have your favicon display will need one more step. Once the file is uploaded to the sever, the following piece of code needs to be up on your web pages in the < head / > : < link rel="shortcut icon" href="/path/to/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" / > Just change the /path/to to the path to your favicon.ico file and your all set.

Add Front page to Drupal's home page

1. Within your theme, copy the file named page.tpl.php to page-front.tpl.php. 2. Note that the name page-front.tpl.php conforms to Drupal's naming standards, so Drupal will realize you want this to be the theme page for your front page. 3. Modify page-front.tpl.php to make your front page look the way you want it to. This page is really just a combination of HTML, CSS, PHP, and possibly JavaScript, so if you're comfortable working with these tools, this page can easily be modified.

Integrate tinyMCE with IMCE

# add this function to your current theme's template.php file.(create it if you don't have it.& put it into php clause ) / <?php function phptemplate_tinymce_theme($init, $textarea_name, $theme_name, $is_running) { static $access, $integrated; if (!isset($access)) { $access = function_exists('imce_access') && imce_access(); } $init = theme_tinymce_theme($init, $textarea_name, $theme_name, $is_running); if ($init && $access) { $init['file_browser_callback'] = 'imceImageBrowser'; if (!isset($integrated)) { $integrated = TRUE; drupal_add_js("function imceImageBrowser(fid, url, type, win) { +'?q=imce&app=TinyMCE|url@'+ fid, '', 'width=760,height=560,resizable=1');}", 'inline'); } } return $init; } ?/ > # Go to admin/settings/performance and Clear cached data (at the bottom). # Make sure your users have access to IMCE (admin/se...