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Showing posts from 2010

Convert JPG files to PDF in linux

Install imagemagick package apt-get install  imagemagick Go to the command prompt and Go to that folder containing jpg $cd path-to-your-jpg-files Use Covert  comand to convert jpg to PDF $convert path-to-your-jpg-files.jpg path-to-yournewfile.pdf We can use *.jpg to include all jpg files into folder files

Debug Database with adb in Andoid

When I have created the sqlite database directly from my application. I am not getting where the database actually stored with application Then I found that the system stores databases in the /data/data/package_name/databases folder by default. To access that database We can use adb Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile tool lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android-powered device adb -s emulator-5554 shell adb - s < serialNumber > < command > sqlite3 /data/data/package_name/databases/database_name Now you can access sqlite promt  sqlite> .databases which display  seq  name             file                                                      ---  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------- 1    main          data/data/package_name/databases/databasename                                                          

Use Google Map API with Android

To Use Google map API few things you have do Sign Up for Google Map API Get the MD5 from your local machine : $ keytool -list -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore like Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 8E:EA:04:13:F2:A8:A6:E6:A3:A5:20:96:9E:0A:30:DB And enter the code here and generate the API code (Which looks like below image) and add code to res/layout/main.xml     <     android:id="@+id/myGMap"     android:layout_width="fill_parent"     android:layout_height="fill_parent"     android:enabled="true"     android:clickable="true"     android:apiKey="0T3dTjk2jvhmuFEAdn4DjX08e3eEeA-IoYEnWag" /*Your API key here*/     /> Now extend the class MapActivity   instead of Activity gMapView = (MapView) findViewById(; gMapView.setSatellite(true); mc = gMapView.getController(); // Adding zoom controls to Map ZoomControls zoomControls = (ZoomControl

Set up Android development environment on Ubuntu 9.10

Experiments with setting up Android development environment in Ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala Following packages are required for setup Eclipse IDE sudo apt-get install eclipse      JDK 6   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Android SDK Download the latest Android SDK from   Copy that package to folder named android into your home folder tar -xvzf android-sdk_r04-linux_86.tgz mv android-sdk_r04-linux_86.tgz ~/android/ cd ~/android/ tar xzvf android-sdk_r04-linux_86.tgz - Edit your ~/.bashrc file and add a line to the bottom: export PATH=${PATH}:/home/padma/android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/   Go to /home/padma/android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/ run the android script : ./android In the resulting window, In setting menu add :   After that an “Available Packages” option. In that add repository link :  I clicked on that, then clicked the checkbox beside the “repository.x

New Year Resolution 2010

 Happy New Year ... Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account  This is time to make new year resolution here is mine .......... - Prioritized work and do accordingly - Do not spend time in Facebook games - Stay away from SNS - Learn any 2 new Programming language/Framework - Spend time with family